About Moving Beyond Barriers
Our Innovation
Moving Beyond Barriers is an innovative and cutting edge 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that exists to partner with schools, families and the community to provide strategic comprehensive wraparound services that complement and enrich the academic experiences of students in preschool through high school and beyond. Through partnerships with school and community stakeholders, Moving Beyond Barriers engages families through innovative adult education services and provides academic enrichment and character development through creative, research-based initiatives that extend learning opportunities for students. Our services are designed to help schools and families become college and career ready. Studies show that extended learning programs promote academic achievement, develop leadership skills and meaningfully engage students in their communities (Durlak & Weissberg, 2007).
Our Theory in Action
Our academic and character development programs aim to change lives from the inside out. By building 21st century skills like critical thinking, problem solving, and communication skills, Moving Beyond Barriers seeks to extend learning opportunities for all students. Just recently established, Moving Beyond Barriers was formed out of a deep passion to provide equitable access to quality instruction and programming for children and families in low socioeconomic areas. Studies show that high quality extended learning opportunities not only benefit students academically, but also builds positive self-esteem (Durlak & Weissberg, 2007). In fact, targeted programming for middle and high school students has been linked to lower rates of substance abuse, juvenile crime, vandalism and teen pregnancy.
Our Foundation
Our mission is accomplished by addressing the critical issues of education through local initiatives and targeted programming. In all of our programs, we exercise high standards of ethics and best practices in management and accountability. Our programs have the characteristics of high-quality extending learning opportunities as outlined by the National Education Association (2008).
- Our programs complement existing school programs instead of simply duplicating efforts
- We employ and adequately compensate qualified managers and staff
- We provide regular and professional development and career advancement opportunities for our staff as well as our volunteers
- We develop partnerships with schools and other organization that promote learning and community engagement
- We build relationships with schools and coordinate with them effectively to maximize resources
- We ensure that there is ample focus on safety, health and nutrition
- We prioritize family engagement and involvement in student learning and development
- We evaluate our programs regularly to determine effectiveness and ways to improve
Our Transformative Culture
We are especially equipped to meet the needs of at-risk youth and underserved communities. Moving Beyond Barriers was conceived and organized to address the academic and social needs of the nation’s youth, to counteract failure, and to assist in the successful transition to life in a positive environment. Individual empowerment and self-determination are strong components of the organization. We are called to action by the alarming research that continues to highlight what Pedro Nogurera (2012) refers to as “an educational manifestation of social inequality.” As such, Moving Beyond Barriers seeks to address the gaps in preparation by providing academic and social-emotional support to PreK children and families especially those in high poverty areas. Rothstein (2004) suggests that students from low socio-economic homes begin school behind their peers as the everyday stressors of living in poverty impact parenting and negatively impact a child’s socioemotional and cognitive development. If not countered, these problems persists causing students to have higher rates of absenteeism, lower reading and math skills and are more likely to drop out of high school. At Moving Beyond Barriers, we demonstrate passionate commitment to excellence. We create resilient leaders and provide them with the skills and resources to overcome obstacles and succeed in a dynamic environment.
Durlak, J.A., & Weissberg, R.P. (2007). The impact of afterschool programs that promote personal and social skills. Chicago, IL. Collaborative for Academic, Social and Emotional Learning.
National Education Association. (2008). Closing the gap through extended learning opportunities. Washington, D.C. NEA Education Policy and Practice Department.
Noguera, P. (2012). The achievement gap and the schools we need. In Motion Magazine. https://inmotionmagazine.com/er12/pn_achvgap.html#Anchor-Understanding-49575
Rothstein, R. (2004). Class and schools: using social, economic, and educational reform to close the black-white achievement gap. New York, NY: Teachers College, Columbia University.
Join the Movement to Move Barriers for Children and Families
Our Vision
Our vision is to become school and community partners to eliminate educational and societal barriers that impede children and families from reaching their fullest potential.
As the old African proverb suggests, we believe that it takes a village to raise a child. As such, all school and community stakeholders must develop a shared vision by leverage the creative tensions. The collaboration of stakeholders leads to learning and problem solving to overcome obstacles (Donohoo, Hattie, & Eels 2018).
Donohoo, J., Hattie, J., & Eells, R. (2018). The power of collective efficacy: when teams of educators believe they have the ability to make a difference, exciting things can happen in a school. Educational Leadership, Volume 7(6), 40-44.
Our Values
- Commitment – We are dedicated to providing high quality services for youth and their families. Our work will reflect our enthusiasm and passion for our staff and the communities we serve to reach their fullest potential (Michael & Pacherie, 2014).
- Integrity – We have the courage to do what is right, understanding that what is right is not always easiest. We are transparent, honest, consistent and ethical with one another and the communities we serve (Costa & Kallick, 1995).
- Respect – We value diversity among people, ideas and points of view. We listen intently and communicate openly and directly. We understand that we can make a greater impact by collaborating with our staff and our community. (Cohen, Cardillio & Pickeral, 2011)
- Empowerment – We believe in the power of the human spirit to overcome obstacles and achieve goals. We are dedicated to creating an environment that fosters self-determination, persistence and bold leadership through learning opportunities that inspire and motivate our staff and community (Deci & Ryan, 2000).
- Good Stewardship – We promise to always put serving our community above serving ourselves by making the best use of our resources, time and talents (Scarno, 2020)
Cohen, J. Cardillio, R. & Pickeral, T. (2011). Creating a climate of respect. Educational Leadership: Promoting Respectful Schools, 69(1).
Costa, A. L., & Kallick, B. (1995). Assessment in the learning organization: shifting the paradigm. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.
Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2000). The” what” and” why” of goal pursuits: Human needs and the self-determination of behavior. Psychological inquiry,11(4), 227-268.
Michael, J., and Pacherie, E. (2014). On commitments and other uncertainty reduction devices. Journal of Social Ontology. 2014, 1–34.
Scarno, J. (2020). Araize. Retrieved from https://www.araize.com/nonprofit-stewardship-essential-organization/.